Bird Unloader

Bird Unloader for offloading whole bird carcasses
Bird Unloader for offloading whole bird carcasses
Bird Unloader for offloading whole bird carcasses
Bird Unloader for offloading whole bird carcasses
Bird Unloader for offloading whole bird carcasses
Bird Unloader for offloading whole bird carcasses
Bird Unloader for offloading whole bird carcasses
Bird Unloader for offloading whole bird carcasses
  • Driven by overhead conveyor
  • Fits in almost every evisceration line with the purpose to unload or drop birds from the line (generally into a water chiller or collection bin)
  • Simple to install
  • Easy to maintain
  • Made of stainless steel and other noncorrosive materials
  • High quality design

Product Details Bird Unloader


brand: USE Poultry Tech
machine: Unloader
year manufactured: Build to order
pitch: 6
direction: cw or ccw
units: 10
capacity: 3000 to 9000 bph
machine length: 870 mm
machine width: 600 mm
machine height: 940 mm
weight: 100 kg
current state: New